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2008-06 (442x640)

around  Millington

Tom, keeper of the music, 2008

2008-14 (489x465)

cowboy hats & straw boaters, the morris team of 2008


Tom in raggy jacket waiting for the team to arrive

Sadly Roger Dykes, the Morris team`s musician, passed away on 3rd April 2008.


"After his death there was concern whether the Morris Men would be able to continue.  Someone found a tape that Roger had made of the Morris music.  Since Tom had an

old music centre with a dual cassette player he became the keeper of the music.  He rigged up some Loud speakers to the music centre for rehearsals and the performance.


The day of the performance he was able to plug everything into a socket at Arundal House."


                               Jerry Brandon                                                              


Roger, playing at Yorkshire Day - photo from 2006

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