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around  Millington

An excerpt from "Tramping in Yorkshire",1932, by Alfred Brown




St Margaret`s Church is a grade 1 listed building dating from the mid 12th century. It has a Saxon font, Norman doorway, and an unusual 14th century ‘weeping’ chancel. A late Victorian restoration by Temple Moor used the box pews as wall panelling.


There is a recently renovated Royal Arms of George 1 dated 1726, and a modern stained glass window by Tom Denny donated by a late parishioner and dedicated by Archbishop Sentamu. There are two grade 1 listed cross bases in the churchyard.



In 2019, Millington Parochial Church Council was very fortunate to receive a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to repair the external stonework of the church, and to research and display the heritage of Millington and its local area.


One aim was to draw together interesting items, photographs, maps and newspaper cuttings of the village that were dispersed among residents; and to display these in the church -  making them accessible to the public.


The resulting exhibitions in the church have been rotated, covering one topic at a time.  This section of the around millington website will host an overview of past exhibitions. 


                                   Click on the link buttons above to see a selection of the photographs                                         and information which have been displayed.    

























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About the Heritage Project 


About  St Margaret`s Church Millington



"Beyond the land rises in a great sweep to the high Wolds above, one white road climbs over the shoulder to Huggate and the other twists and turns towards Millington village, huddled round its ancient church at the eastern gate and looks as old as the hills. I called in at the Gait Inn, hoping to find some of the shepherds, but they must all have been tending their flocks, for I had the old-fashioned kitchen to myself and a snug little place it is!"



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